HUPS - Url Pasting Scheme
<!ELEMENT URL - O EMPTY -- URL to paste to channel -->
teemutude #IMPLIED -- teemutude value --
hamytude #IMPLIED -- hamytude value --
office yes -- office environment compatibility indicator --
href #REQUIRED -- the URL itself --
Attribute definitions
- teemutude = CDATA
- An integer between 0 and 99999. This attribute describes the age of
the URL. The reference is the good old goatse URL which has the value
of 100. Greater values denote to older URLs. A zero value means a totally
new URL.
- hamytude = CDATA
- An integer between 0 and 99999. This attribute describes the hamytude
(tastelessness) factor of the URL content being submitted. The reference
is the good old URL which has the value of 100. The greater the
value, the more tasteless the content.
- office = (yes|no)
- This attribute describes whether the URL content is suitable even
for accidental public viewing in the office environment or not.
- href = %URI
<URL teemutude=100 hamytude=100 office="no" href="">